

Namespace: Freckle

The Mailbox module contains all functions to work with external events, such as post, read and suc.

Nested types and modules


This module contains internally used functions, these are suceptible to change even with minor updates. Is not recommended for use in a production environment.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
awaitMail mb
Signature: mb:Mailbox<'?7325> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: '?7325

wait until a mailbox recieves an event

clear mb
Signature: mb:Mailbox<'?7323> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: '?7323

Discard all events currently in mailbox

createWithExpiration expire clock
Signature: expire:Expire -> clock:Clock -> Async<Mailbox<'?7315>>
Type parameters: '?7315

Creates a mailbox used for sending and recieving events between different samplers and/or outside state

listenTo eventStream mb
Signature: eventStream:Async<'?7327> -> mb:Mailbox<'?7327> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: '?7327

setup a mailbox for listening to an external event stream

post evt mb
Signature: evt:'?7317 -> mb:Mailbox<'?7317> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: '?7317

Post an event to a mailbox

postMany evt mbs
Signature: evt:'?7319 -> mbs:seq<Mailbox<'?7319>> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: '?7319

Post an event to many mailboxes

read mb
Signature: mb:Mailbox<'?7321> -> Async<Feed<'?7321>>
Type parameters: '?7321

Read all events from a mailbox

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